For Providers

Negotiate with confidence

It used to be impossible to know if you came out ahead in negotiations. The transparency in coverage rule has completely changed the game.

Now that all contracted reimbursement rates are public, it's poor practice not to find out what your peers have negotiated for themselves.

Tynbil's unique ability to reconstruct the fee schedule of practices and hospitals gives you unique insight into what was previously a closely guarded secret.

Spreadsheet of fee schedule

Purchase a payer's fee schedules

Want to know what United, Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, etc. is paying your peers? We can reconstruct the fee schedule for all peer institutions in your area, for any set of billing codes.

Whether you're a hospital, dermatology clinic, dentist, or pediatrician office, we have all the published rates and can show you where you stand.

Single payer, multiple peer fee schedules

See the reimbursement rates for every code of interest and each peer provider in your geographic area.

What’s included

  • Negotiated rates from single payer (United, Aetna, BCBS, etc.)
  • Rates for all peer providers in your region, for all billing codes of interest
  • Easy to use, easy to share Excel report
  • No restrictions on use within your organization

Pay once, own it forever


Get access

Invoices and receipts available for easy company reimbursement

How it works

Creating fee schedules from price transparency data

Process multiple terabytes of data
Payers have dumped everything in their databases onto the web, totalling hundreds of terabytes. We've painstakingly built a processing system capable of handling it all.
Find billing codes and NPIs of interest
We can quickly pick out the rates which apply to your practice and those of nearby practices by matching provider NPIs to practice locations. This allows us to find the rates which apply only to your direct peers and ignore the noise.
Clean data, remove red herrings
The raw rates data comes with all sorts of baggage. Multiple modifiers, every place of service code under the sun, and placeholder rates which don't matter to your practice. We cut through the noise to reconstruct the fee schedule spreadsheet you're familiar with.
Data scientist & billing negotiator on staff
We're committed to helping you get the most use out of this data. If you need additional help, we offer professional data analysis capabilities as well as negotiation help.

Intrigued? Incredulous?

We'd be surprised if you weren't. Price transparency data opens up a whole new world in contract negotiations. We'd be happy to talk you through what's in the data, how we get it, and how it can help you.